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Friday, May 13, 2011

Lilacs Are To Be Found!!!

Two Purple Bushes
Discovered just the other morning after being away for the weekend, that there are 4 huge lilac bushes in the yard of the hobbit house. I didn't notice them until the flowers started to bloom but now I am just thrilled.

Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers. I LOVE the smell of them and this is partly to do with the childhood memories that come along with the smell of lilacs. When I was in 4th-6th grade, we had a house that had lilacs bushes running all down one side and the smell as always brought me back to those carefree days of spending time in the yard with my friends.

Two White Bushes
Summers of playing in the sprinkler and then laying on the hot sidewalk to dry off. Eating unripe apples off the crab apple tree in the front yard with warnings of pending stomach aches. Watching Grandma mow the yard with a push mower. Roaming up and down the alleys behind the houses, eating blackberries off the bushes and sucking the sweetness out of honeysuckle flowers.

 I couldn't help myself and already cut some for the house but they aren't open enough to be very fragrant just yet. I guess my lilac candles and perfume will have to do until I get some open ones.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Spring Coming Out

I was waiting for a ride the other day...and the light was so great, I just had to take a few shots. These are all little guys hanging out in and around my yard.

Pieris Brower's Beauty

Need to find out the name for this one

Need to find the name of this one too.

Exciting stuff!!!