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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Idiots On Parade

I don't know if I mentioned before but I have new neighbors in the house next door. It seems for the last two years the owners have tried to sell the house next door during the winter (which really isn't the best thing to do), and when it doesn't sell, they get desperate and rent it to a bunch of idiots college students. Let me start off by saying this batch is better (even with this weekend) than the last batch, and I haven't lived here long enough to know any before that.

So the new batch moved in a few weeks back and at first, they weren't too bad....stayed pretty quiet and didn't make an effort to piss off their neighbors. Well, as of last week, that is all past. Last weekend that had a huge party that started at 5:30pm and went until Campus Security showed up (yes, I live near their school) at 1am. The city police weren't called, in hopes that they would get the hint.

I also noticed about a week ago that I could hear a dog barking and it seems that they have gotten themselves a puppy. Who knows if they are even supposed to have a dog, but I guess that is the owner's problem, not mine. My issue is that they let the puppy out into their backyard and it climbs immediately out of their yard and into mine, and then they come over into my yard, walking all over trying to catch the dog (who thinks they are playing a game), and I find it irritating that at any moment I can look at and see someone standing in my yard next to my house/windows without my permission to be there.

So on Friday night, I was awakened out of a dead sleep by the laughter and yelling of 5 or 6 college aged men on their backporch that were clearly baked out of their minds at 5am. I was tempted to go over there and ring their doorbell repeatedly at 7am to see how they liked being disturbed when trying to sleep, but I am making an effort to not have a passive agressive thing with them so I refrained.

Last night, it seemed that they were going to have another rager of a party like they did the weekend before. Cars started parking on the street and gaggles of boneheads students started heading to the house. The music started getting louder and the talking, laughing and yelling started to escalate. I resolved myself to putting on my headphones to watch a movie to wait it out. After the movie was over, I was surprised to hear that the noise had subsided. I looked outside and most of the cars were gone. I figured that they must have just been prepartying. I went to bed with earplugs in though, just because I knew they might come outside to talk at some point during the night, but was thinking I was in for a relatively quiet night. No such luck.

At 3:25am, I was awakened out of a deep sleep (even with earplugs in) with loud music, laughing and yelling. I got up to use the bathroom and pulled the earplugs out so I could hear how loud it really was. It was ridiculous. I didn't know if they were all partying somewhere else and came back to the house or what, but when I looked out the window there were a ton of cars back outside. I picked up the phone and called the city police. I found out that I wasn't the only neighbor that they had woken up. They informed me that the police were already on their way.

Obviously I wasn't going back to sleep until the party was over so I resigned myself to being awake and took up post to check out what was going on. The police showed up and while they were on their way to the front door, one of the idiots guests got in his car and tried to drive by the police...not the brightest bulb on the tree. Of course the police stopped him, and it was his lucky day because the cop didn't end up arresting or even ticketing him, but did make him do a sobriety test, told him that he was twice over the limit to be able to drive, and then let his sober friend drive the car away. Some of the students managed to get out of the yard and walk away while the cops were busy with the drunk driver, and then the cops came over to talk to the residents of the house. He explained to them that they are responsible for anyone that gets into a car from their house and that they need to be making better choices. They also told them that they needed to break the party up. I think that the city probably sent over the nicest cop on the force, lucky for these guys.

At that time, it got a lot quieter, cops drove away, and I put my earplugs in and had to read for an hour in order to get back to I got to have an hour and a half gap in my sleep in the middle of the night...thanks j@ck@sses neighbors...

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