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Saturday, March 19, 2011


Wow, did I mention that the previous tenant of the hobbit house didn't clean things? I mean, on the surface the house looked clean but in reality, she was a bit of slob. None of the blinds or window sills were clean (spiderwebs, dust and bugs that just couldn't figure out how to get out of the house). I have had to vacuum every window and blind.

Today, I am tackling the refridgerator so I can feel comfortable putting my veggies in the crispers. She didn't wipe any of the crispers out or take out any of the shelves to wipe them down either. 409 has been my friend today getting rid of months of drips and other unmentionable things from the fridge.

I have been cleaning the cupboards one at a time as I figure out where I want things to go, so my kitchen is still a wreck but it is getting there.

Right now, I have a sleeping bag in the washer that needs to be moved to the dryer, two pieces of the refridgerator soaking in the tub, and three pieces of the refridgerator drying on a towel on the kitchen floor (not enough counter space for all that).

Once I get the fridge done, I can put some of my groceries, that are presently residing on two shelves in the fridge, away and figure out what else I need from the store.

Better run, have to get back to the cleaning...

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