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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Night

Okay, didn't get everything moved over tonight but at least I got most of it and I have what I need to get some things done tomorrow. Only have some clothes and some pieces of furniture to move and then I will be done.

Find that I am making a list of little things I will need (at least temporarily). Seems like I am having to spend a lot more money than I want to but at least I can carry a balance for a few months if I have to until I find work.

Kitty hasn't figured out the pet door yet but she'll jump through it if I hold it open for her...I am sure given enough time, we will both adjust to our temporary life.

Kitchen really needs some cleaning done, so right now it is a mess with stuff all over the place because I don't want to put anything away until I can get it cleaned up. And finding the motivation to clean is hard to do...

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