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Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Day

So, I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped on the new Ikea (futon) couch. I didn't fold it out, just slept on it as a couch and that was a bad idea. Add in that it was my first night in a new place, and that my back was hurting from all the moving, I woke up feeling like my cold was trying to come back and not motivated to do much of anything.

I had to clean a few things up just so I could make some breakfast and get Kitty set up for the morning. Managed to get some laundry done in my little basement (that I can't stand all the way up in), and organized a bunch of stuff that has been bugging me (like the tool box, electrical stuff, and batteries).

I finished programming my new home phone with all the phone numbers from my cell and got my first call in the evening from my mom. I also managed to program the cable TV (new thing for me since I was living somewhere that didn't have cable for the last 4 years). Find that I turn on one channel and then just use it as background for getting things done in the rest of the house.

Still need to get my PC, wireless, printer and Wii set up but really want to get the kitchen finished so I can function in there on a daily basis and since I have the laptop, the PC is not such a priority right now.

Decided to fold the Ikea couch/bed out tonight and I think it is going to be much better. Finished the shelf for the bathroom and am finally able to get the towels up off the floor.

Will post some pics as soon as I can. Don't want to post the outside of the house until things start to leaf up and blooom so it will look nicer, but I can start doing some shots of the little "hobbit" things around here, like the scary basement stairs, and the little doors.


Chicken said...

I guarantee the futon will feel betterbwhen it is down. I love you and your little Hobit house!

Anonymous said...

I put the sliders under this morning when I was getting ready to fold it back up and it slides so much easier!!